Sunday, August 9, 2009

"To Open Eyes"

A few weeks ago I was doing a lot of painting and "thought" I might be on a painting kick so , being the normal dork that I am, I went to the library about it. I studied painting in college, still, I feel like everything is a different thing now that I am years, days, moments later in my life. Poems are different, songs are different, paintings are different. And so, to the painting section I trudged. I think my head was filled with technical questions for whatever I was working on but thank goodness I was distracted/focused by this book. I had to special order it through the library and so far it has been a royal-flourless-dark-chocolate-cake-with homemade-whip-cream" kind of a treat. It is a secret little adventure I am on (how I feel about most books, anyone?). So far (I am on page 35) and it is reeeeal fine).

It is funny how serendipitous events are, well, serendipitous. I remember my first trip to Manhattan as an 18 year old art student ( I was from OR and NY is faaaaar away and expensive) was a compound revelation because of the Rauschenburg exhibit at the Guggenheim. I have a heavy and well-worn book of his in my stud-yo. Probably the first time I liked someone's work and didn't know why. Anyways, add in Black Mountian College which I pass every time we visit NC, and a squillion other indecipherable details and this book was basically jumping off the shelf and slapping me in the face. So... I am on the boat. Let's see where it goes. So far so good.

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